Pig Iron & Ingot Casting Machines Since 1913

Ladle Preheaters.

Tundish Preheaters.

Economy Industrial Ladle Preheaters

Economy Industrial manufactures custom ladle preheaters and tundish preheaters to suit a variety of applications. Honeywell / Maxon burners, controls and gas trains are used exclusively. Typically a Maxon Kinenax burner with a Microratio air / gas valve is used. Size varies from 2-10 mbtu depending on the application. In a vertical application air or hydraulic cylinders are used to lift and lower the preheater into position over the ladle. The controls are normally setup for automatic preheat with the user entering the preset temperature. Temperatures may be set for up to 1000 degrees C. An emergency thermocouple is used to prevent overheating.